Personalized Auto
6102 Merriam Drive, Shawnee, KS
Closed. Opens Monday at 9:30 AM
Closed. Opens Monday at 9:30 AM

Vehicle consignment

List your vehicle for sale on our massive online advertising network!

Add your vehicle to the list of hundreds of vehicles sold

Local & worldwide exposure

Personalized Auto will list your vehicle on our massive online advertising network of the most popular automotive websites including,, Carfax and more! Your vehicle has the potential to reach millions of buyers worldwide by listing it with us!

Get more money for your vehicle

On average, vehicles sold online sell for higher than a dealer would offer you as a trade-in or even a cash purchase. Remember, a dealer taking your vehicle on trade-in has to turn around and sell your vehicle for a profit!

Take the work out of selling your Vehicle

Selling your vehicle is a lot of work. Personalize Auto will handle all the phone calls, emails, and questions about your vehicle so you can focus on your life and not selling your vehicle!

Professional photography

Vehicle buyers shop with their eyes, and your vehicle’s photos are extremely important. When selling with Personalize Auto, we will take dozens of high-quality photos of your vehicle that your buyers want to see.

Get paid quickly & securely

When you sell your vehicle with us – you get a check directly from Personalize Auto, so you never have to worry about fraud, fake checks, or even counterfeit bills as you would if you sold your vehicle yourself.

Buyer services

Buyers love buying from Personalize Auto because they receive all of the benefits of buying from a normal dealership but they can shop consignment vehicles instead. We help out buyers with financing, shipping, warranties, and even offer free airport pickup!

Sit back, relax & call the shots

We take care of the tire kickers. Will present you with an offer on your vehicle directly so you decide what you want to accept for your vehicle without being pressured.

Want more information? Call us at 913-601-8727 or send us a message below.

Ready to sell your vehicle? Book your appointment now!

Personalized Auto

6102 Merriam Drive Merriam Kansas 66203